Brenton Chong & His Mother, Late 1990's
Original rephotograph made in 1989, work with Inscribed copper matte, late 1990's, Lazertran on copper plate, (Image size 9.50 x 7.00 inches) 20 x 16 inches, collection of the Artist.

Addressing The Chinese Jamaican Business Community 1994,
Copper Matted gelatin silver print in which the copper mat is inscribed with stories related to my father that were taken from my Journal during the time I was in search of his will. Collection of the Artist, 25 x 30 inches (image size 16 x 19.50)

Portrait of my Father Addressing The Spirits, 1990's
Selectively tea toned gelatin silver print matted with inscribed copper sheet. 30"x 24" inches, Collection of the Artist

The Sisters, 1986, (with inscribed Copper Matte 1994)
Hand colored gelatin silver print matted with inscribed copper sheet over foam core boards. (Collection of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Heritage Center)

Wha Sweet Nanny Goat, late 1990's
Lazertran transfer on copper plate with inscribed copper matte, 20" x 15" inches, (image size 6.75" x 4.75" inches) Collection of the artist

Coronation of a Black Queen, 1998
Lazertran Transfer on copper plate matted with inscribed copper, overall size, 16 x 20 inches , (image size 7 x 10 inches) Collection of the Artist.

Pigeon Variant, with Finch, 1994
Polaroid transfer print with inscribed Inscribed Copper matte, 7 x 10 inches,

Leaf, lock and Tacks, 1986
Fading Polaroid print with inscribed copper matte, 10 x 7.50

A Empty Chalice, 1994
Fading Polaroid Print with Inscribed Copper Matte, 10 x 7.50 inches

Yvette, 1987
Gelatin silver print matted with hand inscribed copper. 24 x 20 inches

Stealing Eggs, 1987
Gelatin silver print matted with hand inscribed copper, 24 x 20 inches

Trinidadian Venus
Gelatin Silver Print matted with hand inscribed copper.

Winged Desire, 1995
Selectively Toned gelatin silver print matted with hand inscribed copper.

What Will be your next Incarnation, 1992
Gelatin silver print with Inscribed Copper Mat.

Garbed in Humility, 2009
Diptych with inscribed copper mat, Gelatin Silver print
Collection of the Denver Art Museum